Helping you cope
with your brother or sister’s death
Sibling Support helps young people whose brother or sister - a sibling - has died.
The site is also filled with help for parents, professionals and others that want to support siblings. Check out our free shop, our activities and advice.
Our website is filled with advice, support and explanations. We know how you feel, because many of us behind the charity have experienced a sibling bereavement.
Free resources
Stories from others
Coping with grief
Get involved
Stephen Fry walk
Course for Parents
We’re here to help
This website is here for you.
Our charity has been made by siblings, for siblings.
Whilst we’re specifically aimed at young people, there is lots of advice and information that is suitable for everyone whose brother or sister has died.
Check out the stories from others who have experienced a sibling bereavement, or order the resources packed full of helpful support.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions and we’ll help in whatever way we can.
We don’t just support siblings, we also help those around them.
Family, friends and others (like teachers or colleagues) can make a huge difference to someones grief.
You might find checking out the website useful to see top tips, but also feel free to contact us if you’d like any advice.
Much of our work is alongside charities and professionals, ensuring siblings get the support they need.
Feel free to order our resources to give to your clients, book a talk from one of our siblings, ask us for information and tips, use our worksheets in counselling sessions and explore the advice, activities and information we have on offer.
Please get in contact if you’d like to chat directly.
“ It is not embarrassing to be upset. It’s not embarrassing to hurt, you’re allowed to be sad, you’re allowed to show emotions. ”
— Molly, who was 15 when her brother died
Explore the world and raise money.
Sibling helpline
Call our helpline with CBUK, for people under 25 + those that support them.
Coping with grief
Find different coping mechanisms.